
The female Black Headed Grossbeak won the battle. The female Northern Flicker took off right after I took this photograph. First time I've seen both of these birds at the suet feeder together. Both come to eat but not frequently. So it was a thrill to see them together.

Funny old day today. The carpet cleaners are here and I am in a little island of inactivity in the kitchen/dining area where we have a maple wooden floor instead of carpeting. I don't mind being here because this space includes the addition we did in 1997 of a large open dining area with windows on three sides facing the lake. It has the door to the famous deck where all my bird photos are taken. And it has two tables covered with stuff, much of which I can play with. This includes my iPad and the wireless keyboard so I can play at my mini computer too. Not too bad.

Duma is totally worried and blithered by the carpet cleaning activity. Honestlly I didn't think about how it would effect him and I am a bit worried since he has just gotten over his tummy troubles which I think were partly stress related. So sorry to cause him more stress. Mehitabel is taking it all in stride. She is the more courageous when strange stuff happens at home. She is less courageous when Duma gets stroppy and attacks her. Siblings! What are you going to do? Luckily my brothers don't chase me around the house and jump me whenever they get a chance. ;-)

Arvin is at Adult Day Health. I did think about his stress levels when I scheduled the cleaners to come when Arvin wasn't home. All this chaos would not do well for him I am sure.

Did I mention that the carpets are 25 years old? And that this same company, a local family-owned Chem Dry company, has been cleaning them since we moved here 25 years ago. And it has been a long time since they were last here. Too much going on. But we were very much in need so they are back.

Tonight Helena is coming for dinner and we are all going to relax and watch TV. That will be good I think. Time for some down time for us all.

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