Carrot Picking Cousins!

We had a lovely day with Mrs L Miss M and Mr T at the strawberry farm today.
We love it there!!
There was tea, bouncing, jumping off hay bales, strawberry picking, beetroot picking, digging for carrots, bouncing, lunch, digging in sand, bouncing, raspberry picking, climbing on - and into - trailers, bouncing, broad bean picking and ice cream.
Thankfully there was less hay than last week!!
And lots of hand holding by Miss L and Mr T which was so sweet.
It's such a great way to spend a day. And we have so many more ingredients for jam and cakes!!
When Mr K got home tonight I dragged myself to the gym. Despite feeling too tired and wanting to slump on the sofa watching people bake!
Day one of Operation Lose Ten Pounds has got off to a good start.
Although I'm starting to ache already!

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