So the day has dawned - and we are now sitting in the reception area of the hospital - waiting. We arrived in good time and found a parking space quite easily, so two prayers answered already.

Mr HCB is very laid back - and we are praying, along with many friends all over the world, that all goes well - and hopefully will be home later today.

We are both overwhelmed by all the lovely messages in the last few days and this morning - people are SO kind.

Here is Mr HCB "chilling out" reading the paper - and below him is a photograph of the "Prayer Net" in the small room near where we are waiting.

Prayer Net - explanation

Please choose a thread and tie it on to the net as a symbol of prayer for someone you love or for yourself.

Prayer is about paradox - pain and peace, fear and hope, sadness, disease as well as healing, laughter and delight. Prayer is often offered in vulnerability, yet it is made with the great strength of love and compassion.

Prayer is never tidy and neat, because it is offered in life, which in itself is an untidy affair. This prayer net is unlikely to be ordered and the colours nearly arranged; its beauty is found in the intricate complexity of the whole as well as the part.

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