... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Mr. Goosle

More handsome in large.

I visited the Goosles on my way into town today; Mr. chases the fledglings (yada yada), and Mrs. mooches around with them. The largest fledgling is definitely the one that experiences the brunt of Mr's irritation, and the littlest one pretty much gets a free pass. They don't seem distressed by his behaviour, and mostly just give him a wider berth and keep their heads low (literally).
Oooh, and I got good news from the insurance: they're paying for my camera's repairs, so I'll only have the excess to deal with.

Other Goosle pics are right from here.
Fledgling with wind-blown wing coverts
Mr. standing proud
Mr. macro 1 & Mr. macro 2
Fledgling with heavy wings

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