Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A survivor

Today I've been settling back into my life at home. Several loads of washing have gone through the machine and I've caught up with emails and made several phone calls. 

It's lovely to be away but it's also very nice to be home.

Wandering around the garden in the late afternoon a few plucky flowers on the hydrangea caught my eye. We had 2 plants and they did badly in their designated bed. Mum knows it was because Dick, our gardener, pruned them at the wrong time of year.  We decided to abandon them, but Dick secretly moved them to two other places in the garden. This one is in the shade but is beginning to flourish.

Tonight Julie, Tim, Maxine and I (and a lot of other people we know), went to a concert in memory of a local folk musician and composer called Terry Conway. They had a large cast of well known folk musicians of all ages to play and sing his songs to a packed out Queens Hall. I enjoyed it and it was especially poignant because Terry died of mesothelioma, the cancer that took out our walking friend, Ian last week.

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