Seasonal Zoom

It is the time of year when the horse chestnut trees are throwing their conkers to the ground.  I love these things - their bright, shiny coats are always fresh and new as their emerge from their white beds.  I practised the zoom burst effect in camera rather than with photoshop.  The control is not quite so precise but it's fun to do.  It works best going from maximum zoom down to minimum - at least I found that to be the most effective.

Now for the results of the last Mono Monday for September....... the hearts for 'PAST' go to the following:

I say this every time, but the standard and imagination achieved across the entries is staggering.  It is time consuming to look through them all but such fun and I am in awe of what you can all do.  Do volunteer to act as host for a week or a month - you won;t regret it.

I don't know who is taking over for October - I'll add it on to my journal when we find out, but meanwhile ....... carry on blipping!

Nickimags888 is hosting October so watch her journal for the theme and tag.

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