Off to School

We had to walk down into the village to our car this morning as our lane was being dug up and resurfaced. 
Miss L was taking no chances - she insisted on wearing her helmet as she marched!
It was just as well as we had to clamber over the digger and round piles of rubble and tarmac!!
Luckily I had seen the digger heading up just before we were due to leave and got Mr K to rush out and move the car. Ten minutes later and we'd have been trapped in the house for the day!
I went round to Mrs C's after dropping off the Little Misses. It's been ages since I've seen her and it was lovely to chat and drink tea. 
I came home at lunchtime for some half hearted housework and sorting for our holiday on Friday.
I didn't get very far. I seem to be pathologically incapable of getting ready for anything more than an hour or so in advance. Sigh.
Half a pound on at Fat Club. I have given up on Operation Lose Ten Pounds as it's ground to a bit of a halt and I'm currently nine pounds off target!!! so Mr K and I had fish and chips for dinner. Yummy!!

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