C Is For ....

Countryfile. Congratulations to Ben Andrew the competition winner with a consummately classy shot of Happy Hedgehog, a cute creature.

No chagrin, I’m so chuffed that my Colourful Coot pic has been chosen for the Children In Need Calendar, though cuddly it’s not, common as muck, follicly challenged and of combative character. I usually can’t be bothered to capture them with my camera. Congrats too to Graham Mealand whose Coastline Canter was winner of the judges’ prize and other people whose pics made the calendar, including Gilesy on here.

A Countryfile chap made a courtesy call with commiserations. They’re sending me a little cadeau in the post with a calendar signed by John Craven. Thanks to the BBC for a commoving couple of months.

A close-up of a comma butterfly for today’s Blip. It’s cryptic camouflage (looks like a fallen leaf) is not working in the lovely green ivy bush. I love the reverse of its wings with their gradation of russet colours and those little grey/green spots with darker middles. The white comma-shaped mark, which gives the butterfly its name, stands out in contrast.

Curious that my sister in France, a comma-counter with certificates to prove it, sent me this link the other day.  http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2015/sep/30/punctuation-commas-apostrophes-wordsworth?CMP=share_btn_link. I told her that I could do with her at my elbow while I am composing my Blip ’stories‘. I’ve been re-reading Eats, Shoots & Leaves. 

My original Coot Blip and its story.

PS Sorry the link doesn't work, don't know why. :(

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