Backblip 8th October: Lossiemouth Waves

We woke to a beautiful morning and Lossiemouth was a different place entirely. It would have been a great day to do the forest and beach walk but this morning heralded the return home and we had to move on - though not before I had taken hundreds of frames in an attempt to capture the energy of the Lossiemouth waves.

It will take a long time to sort through them all, so this is a representative sample, selected at random.

We set off for Dornoch, where we were to stay on a club CL site at Mill Farm. With plenty of time in hand we took the scenic route along the firth and stopped to give Nell a run at Saltburn. We were trying to time matters so that we could stop for coffee and cake at the Storehouse of Foulis. That did not work out but we did buy some ridiculously large meringues (see extra pic) for our dessert that evening (plus Mascarpone and Chocolate Cherry Sauce to go with)

Now, you might have thought that sensible persons would not, having done that, be enticed by Harry Gow's when filling in time in Dornoch, wouldn't you? Alas, not us. See other Extra.
7th October
5th October (filler for 6th)
5th October
4th October
3rd October
2nd October
1st October

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