An Amulet for Emerson

Dear Diary,

My dear friend Karen spent 3 weeks in September touring Turkey, Greece and Croatia.  While she was in the Bazaar in Istanbul she got me this amulet.  It is for warding off things that will do you harm.  I thought Emerson needed it more than I did so it now hangs over his food and water bowls.

I do believe the new diet and homeopathic drops have helped his kidney function.  He seems better overall.  That is wonderful to see.  He will return to the vets in late December for another test but I am confident there will be an improvement.

I love the way this amulet contains imagery from three world religions.  The maker was hedging his bets it appears but I truly feel that all religions are just different paths up the same mountain and when we get to the top we all have the same view.

There is so much we can learn by studying other ways of looking at the world.  One of the best classes I took at college was a comparative religion class.  I've never subscribe to the tribal mentality of exclusivity as far as my own personal beliefs go.  I try to stay open and accepting.  Somehow that just seems right to me.

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