An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's the simple things...

That reminds you that no matter how much bad is in the world, there is more good.

Izzy, the little devil on the left, is the daughter of Jo, who is one of Alan's support workers (are you still with me? :-) and one of her favourite pastimes is baking with her mum at the weekend.   This usually starts well but ends in tears as Izzy is a bit of a perfectionist and if things don't turn out Mary Berry Perfect, she can get VERY a little stroppy.  

The week before last, Jo asked me if I could recommend a recipe for Empire biscuits for her and Izzy to make.  Oh yes!  

So recipe given, I wished her good luck and asked Jo to tell Izzy from me that I didn't share my special secret recipes with just anyone and she was only allowed to use my recipe if she promised not to get annoyed if the icing ran down the sides or the jam leaked out the middle, as that's what makes home baking perfect.   Each biscuit is unique and different and when baked with love, is very special.  Not like those poor identical biscuits you buy in the supermarket that are made by machines.

When Jo came back last week she was delighted to tell me that the bake had been a success...delicious Empire biscuits and no tantrums, just an enthralled Izzy who was very happy that I had shared my secret recipe with her.  She asked Jo to ask me if I would be willing to share some more  :-))

So off Jo went yesterday with recipes for my oat cookies and spiced Christmas stars and pancakes and Bell's biscuits.

When she returned this morning, she handed me an envelope (see extras) with this letter from Izzy was inside.   It's really made my day and proved once again, that despite their odd little madam moments, little girls really are made from sugar and spice and all things nice  :-)))

Thanks Izzy, I look forward to sampling your wares x


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