
I feel proper blugghhh at the moment. It's dark all the time, damp all the time, cold all the time and generally a bit rubbish.
I've got loads to do and don't seem to be able to do any of it.
Miss E is sad because she feels she's got no-one to play with at school. Which of course makes me sad. It happened this time last year too. It'll sort itself out but it's so hard to see her with the weight of the world on her little shoulders.
It's all a bit bluuughhhhhh.
But on the plus side my French lesson was ace today, I finally took some massively overdue books back to the library (I couldn't find all of them but it's a start......), and for once they had Thai basil in Waitrose which means it's Thai chicken for dinner tonight.
An early night and hopefully I'll feel less miserable and gloomy in the morning.

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