Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Rusty but trusty

On the place where the track crosses the stream there has been - for as long as I've been coming here - a large sheet of iron, approx 1cm+ thick and 2x2 metres.  It's so when the fisherfolk drive their 4x4s up to the river they don't drop a wheel into the water on the inside of the bend.  Recently, for some unknown reason, someone has flipped it over and it seems that all this time it's had a loose chain welded to it.  Clearly a random piece of our industrial heritage.

I love the solidity of 19th and early 20th century British artifacts.  This is really nicely made but serving no purpose.  Meanwhile it's gently rusting through (aren't the colours to die for?) though still solid enough to take the weight of anything up to a tractor or the digger used on the marshes to clear the ditches.  So I'm putting it into the Derelict Sunday pot as my entry for DS6 this week.

Now I must go and make bread and soup and indulge in a peaceful evening.  Have a good one  xx

Thanks so much to sdg92 and Maisiebeth for hosting this week's DerelictSunday

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