
By LeeAnne

More tat...

Other people's old tat is a joy for me. I can't help myself. I saw this when I bought my really cheap chair and it was love at first sight. When I picked it up the little drawers fell out and I knew it was coming home with me. Unfortunately the woman in the shop didn't know how much it was so I paid her a £10 deposit and she said she'd ring me when she'd asked the shop owner how much it was. I picked it up this afternoon. I have no idea where I'm going to put it or whether I should put a mirror in the frame or whether I should put a picture in it. I don't care, I just like looking at it. It's so pretty. It's on my sideboard at the moment, it's all getting a bit cluttered but I like clutter. I can't help myself with that either.

I've spent the day pottering. I love those kind of days. My friend from work is having a party tonight for his birthday so I spent the afternoon making some malteser cup cakes. I've never baked cupcakes before - I was going to put them in my blipfolio so you could see but it doesn't appear to be working. The recipe I chose had molasses in it. I had no idea what that was but I looked it up and decided that treacle would do. I dropped them off earlier and took the excess to my neighbours. I took a bite to check they were edible and licked the bowl of icing and couldn't face eating a whole one. Talk about sickly?! Bleurgh! Nice but they made my teeth scream!

I'm feeling anti-social and likely to double the age of the party goers so I'm being a hermit and putting photos in frames and hanging them on the wall. I like having some of my pictures on the wall. Quite a lot of them actually, you know what I was saying about clutter?! I've pretty much filled a wall. I might go to the big blue shop tomorrow and get some cheap frames to fill in the spaces. In for a penny and all that! Clutter is good. There's not much point in taking hundreds of photos to store them on a hard drive now is there?

I'm a happy bear today. I think before I go to the big blue shop tomorrow I'm going to go and make use of my Historic Scotland membership and visit Craigmillar Castle, provided it's not pissing down that is. It's almost July! How did that happen?! And where's the sunshine?!

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