Another step forward

The Middlewood site, which lies to the south of Chapel Street in  Salford, has lain vacant and unused for ... well, decades. Formerly industrial land, it must be the largest area of unused land adjoining the city centre.

It has had a chequered history. It had planning permission for a snow dome and cinemas years ago (nothing happened), and for a development of high rise apartments prior to the financial crash (almost nothing happened).

The almost is that the section of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal which ran through the site was restored. In the distance you can almost see it running under the railway viaduct, then under the Inner ring road (Trinity Way), before via lock gates it joins the Irwell.

But today - a major step forward. Planning permission has been granted in a lot of detail for a first phase of lower scale apartments which will sit alongside the section of canal here. It looks really good, and work will commence in early Spring next year.

I like the fact that even at this great distance the Beetham Tower is reflected in the canal. And I was surprised to disturb a flock of skylarks as I walked forward to take a photo. Almost as surprising as the lapwings I have seen displaying here in a previous spring. Neither is a species you would associate with a busy city centre. Nature can be surprisingly adaptable.

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