a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Birthday Silliness

Its been a great birthday, despite my having to go to work to attend a meeting.  This year was the first year that I've ever worked on my birthday, so a bit of a record broken there. Previously I've always managed to keep that little bit of the year away from work, but sometimes it is important to know when to bend.

Still, by late lunchtime I was back on holiday.  I got to speak to my brother Brendan in the States (hi Bren if you are reading this!).  We then went to our next door neighbour's for afternoon tea and cakes with some of their friends and other neighbours and a very jolly time we had too.  The utterly delightful Joan went to Birmingham University to study science in 1944 ... which perhaps says enough about what unique people they are, and yet does not say the half of it.   

This evening was spent with the local members of my family who came for dinner.  My stirling brother in law Incredibish willingly partook of the whiskies I tempted him with, and a jolly time was had by all. I had phone calls from my son James and my godmother Auntie Laurie.

It wouldn't be a good birthday without some silliness, but rather than my own or Incredibish's mugging for the camera (and I have shots and shots of that), here is my Dad and his lady friend Mary clearly enjoying themselves.  Not bad when you consider that he is 84 now.

The extra - well, that's just me blowing out the candles,  (my camera, settings by me, but taken by Incredibish it has to be said).  For a Canon owner he can take a decent picture when he's pointed in the right direction (!)  :-o

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