Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I know that most of my fellow blippers have pledged money to Blipfuture. I'm hoping that the non-blipper viewers might also make small contributions.  So if you enjoy following my journal, then please consider adding to the pot. Here is the link

I planned to enter the Mono Monday Challenge today. I spent most of the day glued to the computer, continuing to work on the Walking Festival programme. Well on the way now.

I thought I would look for early signs of Spring for my Blip. The winter jasmine is out, but then I found the winter aconites in full bloom.  I brought one into the house and set up the tripod to produce a focus stack. I discovered that a focus stack is difficult when the heat of the daylight bulb is making the flower open. It started off closed and ended up nearly fully open!!

This is just 2 images blended because the much larger series of images were too different in shape. It did make me laugh.

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