A Forgotten Corner

BB’s football was not on this morning, so no one had to be up particularly early.  In the end we were all up,  BB watched TV, TT went for a run, I put on some washing and then went back to bed to finish my book.  Later in the morning we all went down town.  I had to return a DVD to the library and unknown to us it was National Library Day.   Almost as soon as we had gone in BB was swept along to an event with Debi Gliori to make some bookish bunting.  With Debi’s help, children were drawing their favourite book characters to make into bunting which is now hanging in the library.  BB drew Dobby the House Elf from Harry Potter.  I coloured in one of Debi’s drawings and ate chocolate biscuits!

In the afternoon we ended up at the Gosford Bothy Farm Shop where I shared a delicious piece of chocolate and Guinness cake with TT. We then went for a walk in the estate grounds.  It was quite muddy in places, but there were lots of snowdrops in the woods.

BB was weary tonight after his busy week and was in bed and asleep early.  I hope that doesn't mean he is up early tomorrow!

I could have blipped the big house or the pyramid mausoleum – but  I think they would look better on a sunny day, so on yet another grey day, here is a derelict corner of the estate instead.  The extra is BB and Debi Gliori.  BB is contemplating drawing Dobby, and Debi is giving him some tips.

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