Late Afternoon Clouds

Today was just as busy as yesterday.  I was feeling under pressure to get through a load of stuff, and yet again I need to do a couple of things tonight to be ready for tomorrow.  It was still a little bit daylight when I got back to collect BB.  It was such a treat to be home in the almost daylight.

BB was on good form tonight – he must have been taking happy pills at after school club.  He has done his homework and cello practice very amenably.

TT got home late – but made pancakes.

As I was walking to the station tonight I was aware of a lovely light and clouds (though not as pretty as last week's clouds).  I had about thirty seconds to take a couple of snaps before descending Waverley steps.  As I walked through the park after picking up BB I spotted that this tree had a few blossom flowers on it – a whole month earlier than last year!  By the time I saw it, it was too dark to get a decent snap.

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