Pancake Day!

I had no idea today was Pancake Day!
Coincidentally on the way to school this morning we were listening to Miss L's Stories for Six Year Olds in the car and there was a hilarious story about a group of young children "helping" their mum by making pancakes before she got back from work. Eggs everywhere, flour and sugar all over the flour, salt in the mixture along with the lid, batter in wellies, a very cross Mummy......
The Little Misses were laughing like loons, it was brilliant!
So you can imagine their excitement when I announced we were making pancakes for dinner!!
Before the pancake fest I had a lovely morning with Mrs C and Mr C at Stowe. It was freezing but we braved a walk round the lake followed by tea, sausage rolls and cake in the cafe. Mmmmmmmm!!!!!
Then I headed to Asda to pick up some presents for Miss L and the obligatory giant balloon.
And eggs and flour!

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