Party Girl

It was tough to choose a Blip today!
I could have chosen the Little Misses and Miss T making and eating yummy pancakes for breakfast.
I could have Blipped the amazing sight that greeted me when I got up - flowers, chocolates, a card and a giant wrapped up box waiting for me on the dining room table (see extras). My new sewing machine - woohoo!!!!!
After a few years of Valentine's failures Mr K surpassed himself today. And all without the prompting of my loveheart Blip and my not so subtle hints - he had it all sorted already!!
I could have Blipped the children doing science experiments, the stack of lovely presents Miss L was given at her party, or the whole family gathered round the sewing machine to thread it and sew bits of scraps together.
But it had to be Miss L blowing out the candles on her cake. I've got the same photo from when she was four and  five  (and five again!) and I love them all.
She loved her party. It was the first time she'd had it at Spy Mission in Milton Keynes and they had a lovely couple of hours doing whatever it is they do in there and eating rubbish food and cake.
Then it was home to open her wonderful stash of presents and a bit more sewing before bed.
Miss E cut out a jumper shape out of some of her material so started sewing that up. Unfortunately I suddenly felt incredibly sick and faint. Awful. I ended up crawling to bed on my hands and knees as I felt so weak.
I think it was a combination of lack of sleep, not drinking enough, stress and eating only pancakes and cake all day.
I felt marginally better after forcing down some toast later and drinking lots of water but I didn't get up again. An early night for me.

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