Sunset Daffs

The countryside is bedecked in yellow daffodils at the moment - in peoples gardens, in fields, along hedgerows, by the river, in shops and on roadside stalls. I've been told there are so many daffodils in the hedgerows because the daffodil field workers of old would throw the spent bulbs over the hedges! With the the yellow primroses and celandines van Gogh would have had a field day. I have heard there are many theories as to his choice of yellow, all linked to his health, but the final thought seems to be  "artistic preference is the best working hypothesis to explain the yellow dominance in his palette." Yellow is synonymous with happiness, yet whilst researching colours for an essay at college I came across one study that found young children put in rooms of one colour to play, would create the most damage and mayhem in the yellow room. Maybe they just got too happy and therefore went happy wild  rather like van Gogh with his bipolar disorder? 
So with all these daffodils today, it should not have surprised me to see them against the glorious fiery ball of the sun as it sank as i was on my way to the allotment. . I was expecting to get a sunset on the allotment, but by the time I got there there was just a dusky pink tinge to the sky which lingered as I did my chicken duties.Maybe tomorrow - going to be another lovely sunny day!

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