
I expected rain this morning, so was pleasantly surprised that it was dry and bright.  The boys went off to BB’s football, and I pottered, half watching Saturday Kitchen.  Around lunchtime TT suggested that we go to the Botanic Garden at Dawyck, so we set off and the rain started.  We drive there through the rain, stopping for a very late lunch in Peebles.

There were other cars parked at Dawyck, but we met no one.  I think everyone must have been sitting in the café.  We always visit Dawyck early spring for the snowdrops or late autumn.  Every year I say we should visit in the summer, but we never seem to manage it. Maybe this will be the year.  We saw the end of the snowdrops, but a few rhododendrons have started to flower, which added some lovely colour to the garden on such a damp and grey day.  As we left we had a nice chat with a lovely member of staff.  We dried out as we drove home, and thankfully the rain was going off.  It is now really windy again.

BB should be in bed, but is now making pancakes with TT.

Here are TT and BB walking towards Dawyck Church in the gloom, through the lichen-covered trees.

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