An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

New Readers...

Well here they are.  My first pair of reading glasses  :-)

But first things first.  The physio said I would hate her today and she wasn't wrong.  I'm in agony!  

Woke at 4am and had to give in and have two full strength co-codomol.  That let me have a decent sleep till 9am.   Was fine getting showered, just a little achey but OMG, trying to get downstairs was a nightmare.  Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Had an appointment at the optician at 11.30am to collect my new contact lenses and reading specs.  Thankfully David is at home today so he was able to drive me there and drop me off right at their door.

Got home and haven't moved from the sofa since, which isn't great as we are interviewing for an additional member of Alan's support team this afternoon.  David and Rosie have had to do it without me.  I'm sure they're coping :-))

On the plus side, I now have my new distance contacts in and my readers on my nose and after 5 months of trialling different contacts, life, from a visual perspective, is all good.

Hopefully the pain is a sign that whatever the physio did yesterday is having an effect and fingers crossed I'll be in less pain tomorrow and fine by Thursday.  Just in time to see her again on Friday and go through it all again.

No pain, no gain, right?

(Hahahaha...just uploaded this and realise how dopey I look!  Blame it on the codeine!  :-))))

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