An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A Thing of Beauty and Wonder...

No not me!  My wonderful new washing machine of course :-))

Picture the scene outside our gate at 8.00am; the bunting was up, the pipe band was primed and ready, the Lord Provost was nervously rehearsing his speech, the gathered crowd waving flags with one hand and clutching their mobiles with the other, ready to capture the big moment for posterity. 

By 8.05am excitement levels were at fever pitch.   "Here it comes!!" cried someone at the back and a roar went up.  False alarm.  It was just the bin lorry.  Boo!   8.10am....8.15am...8.18am and a small ripple of excitement shuddered through the crowd...could it be, could it? 

 Yes!  At last! 

The AO van appeared over the horizon to cheers, whistles, the skirl of the pipes playing Kool and the Gang's Celebrate (think Ross from Friends ;-) and the Provost thanking everyone and their granny for the safe and speedy delivery of my shiny new washing machine.

There was a fair bit of jostling in the crowd as people surged forward to get a look at the goods.  I heard that some poor woman got her bunions stood on and a mother abandoned her three children by the side of the road whilst trying to get a selfie with the machine in the background.   Honestly, there's no limit to what people will do just to prove "I was there!"  

With the help of some off duty TA members, my machine was safely delivered through the crowds and into the utility room.  It was then carefully manoeuvred into place, given a manly pat goodbye by Jimmy the trusty delivery driver and then it was ALL mine.

I can't begin to describe the thrill of stuffing that 11kg drum with 3 day old washing (!) filling the virgin drawer with soap powder and fabric softener (and not just any fabric softener, but Comfort Intense fabric softener in Fuchsia Passion flavour) then sitting back and watching that drum start to rock and roll :-)))  

Yes, yes, YES!


Actually part of the above isn't true.  Me and my creaky hip stayed in bed till almost midday by which point this baby was on it's second load.  So, in reality, David was the power behind the button ;-))

Note to self: Two full strength co-codamol on an empty head is probably not the best idea ;-))

The incomparable Ms Bush has a song for every occasion.   Turn up your speakers, close your eyes and enjoy.....

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