Jaguar XW563 at County Hall Norwich

I've worked for Hertfordshire County Council, and Cambridgeshire County Council, but neither of them had a retired RAF aircraft proudly situated at its entrance like the one at County Hall in Norwich. That is where I was headed at 8.45 this morning, once i'd got to work and collected my laptop.

A half an hour meander later along the lovely King Street (I saw a few more courts I want to go back and photograph) and up the hill past the football place, I eventually got to County Hall where, in the basement, IT people fix your computers! An hour and a half later, and i was on my way back. I chose Ber Street for the return journey. I hadn't walked down there before. It had some interesting bits. I made mental notes to go back.

Work was busy, especially as i'd missed 2 hours. Eventually I left at 4.40 and actually caught the 4.44 bus.

Just Henry and I tonight (oh, and the cat, 2 dogs, beardie and 3 hens). I made a curry then did a pile of ironing whilst listening to ABC followed by 10cc on vinyl. The most recent of my charity shop purchases.

Now I'm thinking about bed. We put the heating on over the weekend in order to dry washing, specifically Mollies really, as she needs it done quickly. We were glad to turn it off again last night. There is a chill in the air, but it isn't cold and the heating even on very low was too warm. Nevertheless, I'm on my own tonight, so I'll still get a hot water bottle before I go up. Listen to me....i sound 80 not 50!

Oh, and if you're interested, the aeroplane was presented to the people of Norfolk when RAF Coltishall closed in 2007. It had previously been the gate guardian at the airbase, but with the permission of the MoD was relocated on 20 June 2007. More info on a website called simplyplanes. I learn something new about my new home city every day!

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