Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The Winter's Tale

A day of firsts for Carys today. A first trip to the Royal Opera House to see a ballet, the first time she has seen the Royal Ballet perform and the first time she has seen Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale.

The day started with her finding her outfit for the day on my bed. A handmade Swan Lake skirt. Her reaction is one of my extras (I rarely do extras, as I like the one photo a day discipline, but today I feel the need to record more.), I was so glad I had a camera to hand. We don't do birthday's early in this house, but Carys knows that this skirt (and cardy) is an early birthday present. She has spent a lot of time today smoothing it down and twirling in it.

The Royal Opera House experience was fantastic, from the bag search and cloakroom staff to the actual performance. Carys looked through the souvenir program I treated her to (her first and only unless she buys her own next time) and spotted that the Bolshoi are coming, she got very excited and then I told her to look at the auditorium, it was sold out for a matinee, how many tickets did she think would be available for the Bolshoi? Hmm, that floored her and then she came back with could she use some of her pocket money to buy a ticket to come back and see the Royal Ballet again and of course I said yes.

My other extras are of the interval refreshments, and of Carys staring down at the stage after the performance, dreaming her dream of performing on there one day. Who knows...  

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