My new knitted friend!

At the top of the picture, looking over everything in my summerhouse, is my new friend Poppy. A thank you present from a talented young knitter called Poppy. The niece of one of my best friends made her for me after I fixed some of her earrings & a necklace. I was very touched. This gorgeous little hedgehog is all hand knitted & I know Mollie had her eye on her. So she is now called Poppy and lives in the summerhouse.

We had a lie in today, then once everyone was up, Mollie drove us into Norwich. A good bit of practice for her, in readiness for her forthcoming test. It was a brief trip. Jon and Mollie had their eyes on footwear, so we parked in a 'free for 2 hours' space and dashed in, bought what they wanted, then home.

The afternoon was quite nice, so I continued with digging the border to try and give a neat edge to my lawn. It is back breaking, all that bending over to weed. I ache now. Then it started to rain, and the others were off to see a film. I would like to see the film, but I dont really like going in the afternoon. It feels like a waste of daylight hours. So I sorted out a bit in my wardrobe, went up in the loft to get a case & got side tracked. After 40 minutes I came down from the loft and finished what I started!

In Henrys room I cleaned out the food and water bowls for the dragon, and gave him all fresh food. I was a bit cross that H hadn't done it. Never getting any more pets. Just cats and chickens for me. Everything else is trouble.

I cooked a bolognaise for tea, with all soya mince. I need to diet. I know I keep saying it, but the scales let out a little squeaky groan this morning when I got on them. They really weren't happy, and nor was I. Today I am the heaviest I have ever been. Ever. Even 9 months pregnant I wasn't this heavy.

So I've just sat down with all my old weight watchers books and worked out dieting going forwards. Fingers crossed that I can keep my will power.

Now I'm going to relax.

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