Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


If you've followed my journal for any time you will know I like occasionally spying out houses I can fantasise about living in.  This is another of those.  It's situated down an unmade road between the Itchen Navigation and an ex-railway embankment, with a playing field the only thing between it and one of the less trampled parts of the Itchen Valley.  That's an oak tree in front of it, just opening its leaves, and I'm standing on the other side of the canal to take the shot.

This is as far as I got today: bus into the centre of town then a 10 minute walk here.  And why do I need comfort?  Because once again I have an infection (a different one this time).  It can indeed make you very fed up, even when you know it won't be round for long, not like last time.

On the plus side, however, I now have a very smart - and strong - new piece of garden fence and it was a fantastically beautiful day, with more of the same forecast for tomorrow.  I won't say no to that!

Have a really good evening, dear people, and forgive the moaning..  xx

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