a friendly face

My blip must be short today as I have no internet connection. I'm switching to a cheaper provider so had to turn it off.....

This evening I met up with Sarah who i used to tap dance with in Linton. She is spending the week up here at Aylmerton field studies centre with year 6 children from Linton Heights. She was allowed an hour or so 'off' this evening, although not allowed off site! No problem, I said, it is literally 4 minutes in the car from me. I really should have cycled it!

We had such a lovely catch up. My Mollie and Sarah's Adam are in the same year, so taking A levels now. We chatted about Linton, friends and life in general. Were your ears burning?

I left on a high. So nice to have something positive to write about! So nice to see a familiar face after so long. Same time next year Sarah? And anyone else who happens to be up my way....please don't visit north Norfolk without coming to say hello!

Ps. Couldn't upload blip last night with no WiFi and no phone signal where I live, so belatedly it is now here!

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