Big Edinburgh Flat Refurbishment

Today we have to talk about the ‘big Edinburgh flat refurbishment’ because it’s almost done.  Yay!!!  Turns out that Andy (who is in charge of our ‘big Edinburgh flat refurbishment’) hasn’t gone on holiday after all.

Long complicated story;  but basically our washing machine died at the weekend,  (well it could have died months ago; haven’t actually used it since the tenants moved out at the end of February) and Ann texted Gary (Andy’s son who works with him) to see if someone could take her to Curry’s to pick up a new one.  Apparently the ‘next day free delivery service’ doesn’t apply to our address and we were asked to choose another location.  Why on earth would anyone want to chose another location???  Anyway Gary obviously forwarded the message to Andy and within 10 mins Andy had phoned and said he’d pop round this afternoon to see what was still to be done and he’ll take us to Curry’s first thing tomorrow.  So by tomorrow evening Ann could be washing all my stinky dog towels!

I have to say Ann is a bit dubious about the claim that it will all be finished tomorrow.  No one has actually seen her ‘snagging’ list?!  It’s very, very, long!  However Andy hasn’t let us down yet and he says the guys all say they’re on target to finish tomorrow and they’ll just keep working until everything is done.

Apparently the only things that won’t be finished off tomorrow is the electric towel rail for the shower room (because the electrician can’t come till Thursday) and a big mirror for the full width of the shower room because the mirror people come and put that up.

‘GAT Developments’ – they are the most polite, conscientious, hardworking, group of guys ever.  Nothing is too much trouble for them.  My wish is their command!  I really can’t recommend them highly enough.  If you live in Edinburgh and need a refurb these are the guys to use.  And I really don’t care if this paragraph is considered advertising and is against the BLIP rules.  They deserve recognition for how well they’ve handled this project and I’m not really sure how to go about telling everyone how brilliant they have been.  Any suggestions will be gratefully received.  And please don’t anyone mention ‘’?!!  They get all their work through recommendation and anyone who follows my BLIPS regularly will know of the ‘lying cowboys’ that  I initially found on ‘’.  To read all about our original horror stories just look for the tags ‘BigEdinburghFlatRefurbishment’.

Anyway today has not been particularly exciting for a gorgeous little collie like me.  I had my normal trek around the streets of Edinburgh first thing.  Have to get up ridiculously early because the decorators arrive early. Today they were painting the shower room and we don’t have a lock on the door yet, it’s on the snagging list,  Ann’s a bit worried that seeing a naked middle aged woman in the shower first thing in the morning might traumatise them for the rest of the day. Lol!

I love the decorators and they love me.  This morning Ann went off to IKEA again free coffee & a breakfast for £1.50 with her IKEA card and the decorators let me snooze on the sofa.  This BLIP shows me running about up Blackford Hill.

..................And that’s it for today folks.

.....................Mega excited......................... the end is in sight for the ‘big Edinburgh flat refurbishment.’  Yay! Yay! Yay!

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