Goodbye Old Friends!

Dear Diary,

I don't normally get nostalgic about a pair of shoes but I will make an exception in this case.  This pair has been with me for over 12 years.  They have travel around the world with me and walked in Russia, Japan, France, Ireland and Scotland as well as all over the US and Canada.  They have been with me at very special moments on those trips and they are my favorite shoes, as comfy as slippers but their time has come to retire.

I just ordered a new pair, not quite the same style but close enough.  I will be leaving on a short trip soon and I wanted a fresh new pair.  These, as much as I love them, are a tad shabby now.  I will not throw them out though.  They will reside in the back of my closet.  Every time I see them they will remind me of all those amazing trips.

What will really make me smile is the thought of the look on the faces of those who will find them years from now.  Will they wonder why in the world I hung on to this shabby old pair of shoes?  Maybe, if they look back in this journal they will know why.  It reminds me of an old poem:

Make new friends but keep the old.
The first is silver the second gold.

Perfectly said...

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