A Bit of Sanity....

...Late last night I checked in on Flynn to see if he had his blankets on....the hall light illuminating his little face was just gorgeous. I ran downstairs for tripod and camera....and even though tempted to transform this into mono...the pink of his cheeks was so sweet I just couldn't.

Really...when I look at this sleeping little boy..... it is a little bit of sanity in my crazy world.
At the moment everything in my head feels a bit mixed up...along with emotions and the inability to deal with stressful things...ie..already there are people walking through our house looking to buy......and I am such a private person it just infuriates me ...so it is best I stay in my office and let Jaiya deal with it....I reckon I could get really snappy...........and I wonder where we are going to live and I look at what is available to rent ........ for a lot of money there just aint much out there...there are some really horrid places...and to top it off most don't allow pets...there is a feeling of impotency and frustration...not to mention smatterings of fear...yeah as I said everything feels all mixed up right now....not coping . I normally like to think that I handle things quite well...(could be wrong on that count). 

I think I had better quit now and watch some TV .....have a cuppa and try for an early night. Yes Tomorrow is another day.

“Mad Hatter: “Why is a raven like a writing-desk?”
“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice again.
“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Hatter”
-Lewis Carroll

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