At the Hospital

It was Miss L's annual check up with the consultant at the JR this afternoon.
I took the same photo last year and the year before. 
In a change from the usual routine we got some action shots too (see extras)
It usually takes hours to park at the hospital so I left half an hour earlier than we needed to. Naturally there were loads of spaces so we sailed right in!
The Little Misses played in the outside play area before Miss L was called. She was weighed and measured and had "magic cream" put on her arms in preparation for her bloods.
Then they played for a bit more, squabbled about the rocking horse and enjoyed getting many, many refills from the water cooler. Boiling hot again today and in the suntrap play yard it must have been about fifty degrees!!
We saw the consultant - the same one who did her endoscopy three years ago  - and he remembered her. The three year old impervious to anaesthetic!!
Just reading about that day has made me cry - watching them trying to knock her out was so horrible.
Her hat was much admired by everyone at the hospital and she proudly told everyone that it's a "boy's hat"!!! 
The consultant had a look at the rash/lesions she has on her arms and legs. They don't think it's Coeliac related so if the bloods all come back normal they're going to refer her to a paediatric dermatologist. They were very puzzled - it doesn't look like anything normal. Typical!!
We waited again in the playroom until called for the bloods. Miss E wanted to come with Miss L and was so upset when the nurse said she couldn't. 
Miss L was amazing! The cream had worked its magic and, distracted by a 1001 fairies to spot book, she didn't bat an eyelid as they took gallons three vials of blood. I found myself wishing that Miss E had been there. To see how it's done!!
As a reward for generally fabulous behaviour we went to the strawberry farm on the way home. They had giant chocolate brownies which looked scrumptious but apparently were not tasty at all. They had a few bites and then left the rest for daddy when he arrived. 
Mr K was working only fifteen minutes away so he joined us after work which was lovely.
After bouncing on the bouncy castle, sliding down - and climbing up - the bouncy slide, digging in the sandpit and jumping off hay bales we went to pick some strawberries, raspberries and broad beans. See extras for the Little Misses looking sweet as they set off.
We just made it back to the shop before they closed at 6pm. Miss E decided to go home with Mr K and Miss L came with me. She was asleep before we'd gone five miles!!
I wish she didn't have Coeliac disease but there are worse things she could have and we do have surprisingly fun days out when we go to the hospital!

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