New sofa bed!

Here you see happy people. Don't be fooled into thinking we are gazing lovingly into each others eyes! We had been trying for a while to get a photo we both were happy with, then Henry caught us having a laugh about it! How vain of us - stealing the futon's thunder!

Grrrr to our internet at work again today. However, even though everyone struggled until just after 11 to do any kind of meaningful work, I managed to fill my morning generating invoices, much to the dismay of my colleague James who then had to check them. It's ok. James assures me he never gets to know when he is mentioned in my blips now, so I can say what I like. It meant he had to do something anyway! I followed that by doing a job I normally do Friday morning, so felt quite pleased that I had made use of the unplanned downtime.

At lunchtime I met Jon and the boys for a brief wander, and treated myself to a white blouse and shorts in the White Stuff sale. It was worth it. I think I deserve them!!!

Busy in the afternoon until way past 5, to try and catch up a bit. The loss of internet this week not helping me get things in a good shape to handover.

Home at 6.30 after dire traffic out of Norwich, to find the futon had been delivered! Jon was doing dinner, so once that was over he put it together with Henry's help. We are very pleased. Its our last expensive purchase until we get some flooring. Now we have the makings of a relaxing and practical space AND we can put visitors up! After our holiday we will think about the finishing off bits, but for now we are enjoying the view of our garden, and the sounds of the countryside!

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