
A few hours on the lounger by the pool this morning with my book (The Forgotten Soldier by Charlie Connelly, highly recommended!). It's glorious sitting in the sun watching the geckos on the deck and the swallows darting about and the paragliders over the distant cliffs. Beautiful!
After lunch we headed back to the river for a bit of canoeing. It's always a bit chaotic getting these things sorted - you pay, hang around for a bit, get given life-jackets and oars and eventually a canoe. All while wondering if anyone actually knows what's going on!
Miss E was so keen to get into our canoe that she leapt into the front while it was hanging off the edge of the jetty and almost ended up launching off by herself! I managed to get in after her and off we went!
Somehow she knew instinctively knew what to do and we zoomed off down the river. She was like a little army major calling out left, right, left right so we paddled in unison.
Miss L on the other hand didn't really get the hang of it, sulked a bit and then put her feet up and just enjoyed the view (see extras)
Mrs C went in with Mr L and Mr R and unfortunately Mr L reacted a bit like Miss L - he couldn't quite get the hang of it, didn't like the fact that they weren't going very fast and generally grumped along. 
I'll gloss over the image of me hauling myself out of the canoe when we got back to the jetty - it wasn't pretty!! But we made it out eventually and I retrieved my sandal which had fallen off in my undignified roll onto the dock and headed across the road for ice cream.
Rather than heading straight home we went to the supermarket so the kids could spend their holiday money from the grandparents. And so we could buy more rice pudding and chicken flavoured crips!
The Little Misses bought snorkels and lost no time in jumping into the pool with them as soon as we got back. Miss E was hilarious chatting and laughing to herself as she snorkelled round.
She calls it snoggling which is so sweet  I don't want to correct her!!
Another barbecue tonight which was scrummy although Mr M disappointingly undercooked the Meatabix!!!
Once the kids were in bed we all settled down in Mrs C and Mr M's room to watch Deadpool. I was getting more and more shivery and achey and sneezy - despite the blanket that Mr K very sweetly wrapped me up in - and I didn't make it to the end of the film. I had to come and lie down. And feel sorry for myself.

Holiday Blips start here.

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