High on the Hill

The last few days has been bigger than Gods undies.....to tired to write about the many many things that have been done .

After a round trip and coming home from Ma and Pas we stopped at the coast so I could catch some last rays and a bucket load of negative ions....I have been grumpier than a bear with a sore toe today....and to be honest I'm still feeling grumpy....GRRRRRRR....everything thing and everybody is annoying me and I think I need to head for a hut in the Himalyas (summertime) for some peace.

Anyhoo up on Norries Head was rather lovely this afternoon...Im glad I got up to the top of the hill to get this view.

Here are a couple more male/female observations.......

Female...because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.

TRAINS: Definitely male... because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.

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