Mrs B

This gold pin represents the love and friendship of a memorable lady  -   a  family friend who gave me the pin when I was 9 years old;  she was very dear to me, and enjoyed having me around and spoiling me.  She gave me it out of the blue for no special reason, but because it had a value and due to my young age I wasn't allowed to wear it often.

Sadly I was brought out of my lessons at school a short time after receiving this gift, to be told that she had been knocked down and killed while crossing the road.  I've not worn the pin much because of the memories it evokes, but It's something memorable which I treasure.

Thank you as ever for visiting my journal, and for leaving stars and hearts for the globe thistle and bee yesterday  -  I'm so glad you liked it.

Thank you to Ingeborg for hosting the MM challenge.

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