Silly cat

Yesterday evening I took the dogs for a walk down the lane,and Ralph followed us. He didn't come back with us, and was nowhere to be seen this morning. So no breakfast.

I went off to work as usual once H was on the school bus. Head has been particularly bad today. Feels like its in a vice inside, but at least none of those shooting pains. It is making my working day difficult though. It was my 'late' today, so I finished at 5.30, locked all the cupboards etc and turned off the lights.

Home at 6.45 where Mollie was already home and doing dinner. I was grateful, as my head was squeezing inside. I put radio 4 on, sat down and waited for The Archers. It is at last going how we fans wanted it to. I dont normally listen mid week, usually waiting for the omnibus, but even a headache isn't stopping me at 7pm every night this week. Then after the programme and after my dinner, I walked up the lane to look for Ralph. It was starting to get dark, but as I reached the track, he heard me calling him and meowed back. There he was, just waiting for me to come and find him! I carried him home - struggling against me a bit. Starving, I fed him on the lounge door mat, so that the dogs didn't get it! Then he came and sat on us while we watched GBBO.

Thankyou Andy for my welcome surprise bit of post today. It made me & Mollie smile :)

Just had a bath to try and relax. Warm house again, with no windows I can open, and the existence of a stuffy almost indian summer. Never thought id be looking forward to winter sooner rather than later!

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