Rosebay Willowherb

It was very still and mild this morning,  BB had to do a cello practice before school and I had to test his spelling as we walked down the road to school.  I was expecting 20/20 in his spelling test. We went our separate ways at the traffic lights – BB to school and me for a walk – the same walk I did a few weeks ago, which coincidently was the same walk I did one Friday morning almost exactly a year ago.  It was quite autumnal, but it was a grey day, so the colours were not standing out.

Once home I ordered a new food waste bin, as we think ours got blown away in recent high winds.  The lady at the Council call centre couldn’t find me on her database (which as a Council tax payer, I found quite surprising), and couldn’t believe I had never called the Council  before, and kept asking me whether I had called before.  To be honest I have no recollection of calling the council in recent times, though I have e-mailed them a few times recently.  E-mails don’t seem to count – as I found, when I had to chase and chase to get answers!

BB had football in the afternoon.  I dropped him and went for my usual Friday afternoon walk.  I met a friend who was killing time while her boys were at another sporting event, and we ended up sitting in her car having a catch up, before I carried on my way.  BB was really tired when I picked him up, so a quiet evening all round. 

A quiet evening of catch up TV.

I liked the colours of this patch of rosebay willowherb along the riverside path which is long past its best.


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