The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

From the back step

...the Rhus tree is on the turn!

Today was the last day of this half-term. I shot this before we left for work. 
The staffing was reduced today, but then again some of the children were off sick, too.

I spent a delightful morning, mostly playing inside two very large boxes with two very small children, and a mechanical hedgehog that plays Christmas tunes and 'walks' by itself. The children' pronunciation of 'hedgehog' sounds a bit like 'ketchup' so I've christened him 'ketchup the Christmas hedgehog'. Note to self: sounds like a book for children.

My boss let me go a little early, since we'd done a lot of tidying up. I was so tired I went straight to the library and sat down to drink a cup of hot chocolate! Eventually I got home with all my errands run.

Somehow, though, I was up till midnight, trying to pack all my card and stationery stock into one enormous suitcase, as this is how it will have to be brought home from the market tomorrow, because CleanSteve will not be able to bring me back! After the market, I'll have to get the house ready for the house and cattier, and pack a bag for myself, as we are off to the Isle of Wight on the 9 o'clock ferry! 

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