Choux Pastry!

Henry came into the conservatory and announced that he wanted to make profiteroles. I left him to it, but while dusting my dressing table (I do it approximately twice a year - sometimes not that often) Jon shouted up to me, that perhaps Henry needed help. I've never made choux pastry, but i have watched them make it on GBBO, so knew it wasn't supposed to look like a sloppy mess. We went through the recipe and it turned out he had put in half a pint of water, instead of a quarter of a pint. He started again & to give him credit, didn't ask for any help. Washed up, whisked his cream and melted chocolate for the top. This is what he produced and they tasted perfect!! So I have a choux chef in my family. Definitely not my genes!!

We have had a leisurely day. The boys went to archery in the morning and I took Mollie to work. In the afternoon, we moved the hen house, as they have been spotted sitting on the top, giving them the perfect opportunity to fly over to my neighbour. He has a perfectly manicured garden, so that was my biggest fear. At bedtime they were very confused about where to sleep, so I had to carry them round and put them in the house.

Cooked a dinner and written a bit, but not enough. Then chilling in front of the tv. That's what i feel like doing, so I am. If the writing spills over to December....oh well!

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