Sunbeams are best on a cold winter day

Dear Diary,

On my way home to Maine I stopped for a short visit with Berelaxed and her wonderful cat Raspberry.  Her house was filled with Christmas and lovely sunbeams which Raspberry took advantage of at all times.  We had a lovely lunch and chatted away.  It was a delightful albeit brief time.

The ride home was long with lots of traffic and the wind gusts made keeping the car in the lane more challenging.  It was well after dark when I finally got home even though I left her house at 1:30pm!  Emerson was most happy to see me and I felt the same of him.

This morning it is -10F but at least the wind has died down.  David is coming this morning to bring up wood.  The generator wasn't the problem it seems, it is the gas regulator so I will call the gas company and hope they can come today to fix it otherwise I will be facing the storm on Saturday sans generator again.  Not looking forward to that possibility with these frigid temperatures.  Sigh....

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