De-icing at home time!

A colder day and my car needed scraping when I got to the car park at 6pm. I think I was one of two people who bothered, but driving back home in the dark without scraping the windscreen is madness in my opinion.

I was home by 6.40. Mollie had cooked a nice casserole, and Jon had got in just before me. It does seem like we are part time husband and wife, as he then shot out at 7 for a scout leaders meeting!

I spent the next couple of hours helping Mollie to amend her personal statement for her university application. It is hard work, and essential it is right. The deadline is looming.

My work day was busy. I already have a list prepared for tomorrow and am determined to get up when my alarm goes off, in order to get it I didn't wake until my back up alarm!

What I really need, is a full time husband. Please 2017?

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