Does He Have Ears?

Mr K took Miss E with him when he went to work this morning and dropped her off for a day with Nana and Papa.
I took Miss L to school and then came home for the first day to myself for a while.
It was mostly spent taking down Christmas decorations but there was a fair bit of sitting around doing nothing too!
It was lovely to get messages from Miss E during the day. Nana was letting her choose what they did today and she had a few questions and - as she pointed out - she doesn't have Google on her iPad!!
What a world she's growing up in that we can chat just with a few taps of a keyboard. And she takes it completely for granted of course!
It was also sweet to get time checks from her. Mr K and I do a thing - which sounds weird - where we shout out the time when we notice it's something  like 10.10 or 14.14 or 20.20. As loudly and dramatically as we can!! Followed by a Whoop whoop!!!!
And if we can't do it in person we message it - which has the added frisson of having to get the message off - and the whoop whoop - before it ticks over to the next minute!!
But you can't sit and wait for it. It has to be if you happen to glance at it at the right moment!
We know how to live!!!
It all started years ago when I would always happen to look at clock or my phone at the exact moment it said 21.21. And when I got together with Mr K I'd point out to him how freakishly often this happened.
So for years it was just a thing we did. Now the Little Misses have joined in!! It makes me smile to hear them bellowing out SEVEN-OH-SEVEN at the tops of their voices. Followed by delighted whoop whoops!!!! They love it!!! 
I often text the wrong person the time, or I shout it out randomly when I'm with people who have no idea what I'm doing and I look like a nutter. I probably sound like a nutter even writing it here but it's our thing. And it's nice to have a thing!!!
I picked up Miss L and came home to play Guess Who? Once you stop her guessing is it Max? after two questions she's pretty good!
Miss E got home very tired after her day out with Nana and Papa. She'd had a lovely time at the Dragon Eco Farm but was a little irrational and ready for bed. Unfortunately she had bit of a meltdown when we suggested that we postpone their sleepover until tomorrow night. We packed them both off to their own rooms - screaming and wailing - and sat down to a few more games of Guess Who? Mr K takes it all a bit seriously I must say...... 
5-4 was the final score. To him. Bah.
Wow, timechecks and Guess Who? Rock and Roll Friday night!!!!

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