Wild Wednesday: Leaves

"I don't mind the leaves that are leaving. It's the leaves that are coming...!" So said Piglet to Pooh in the Disney version of "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery day". Pooh had begun the conversation with "Happy Winds-day, Piglet."  That would be very appropriate for today, Wednesday, which began with wild windy weather which produced a major traffic jam on the main road near us: a tree had blown over in the night completely blocking the road for at least 3 hours until the Council managed to find someone to come and remove it (I'm sure 6 burly policemen could have shifted it, but of course that would no doubt breach H&S regulations).
Today has certainly been a wild and windy one, which stirred up the autumn leaves in the garden and therefore reminded me that I'd never got round to raking them off the lawn. However as the morning went on the wind reduced and I was able finally to get round to starting the job. As we're lucky enough to have a lawn the size of a tennis court (I gather some previous owners actually had such a court there) and there are several trees, it's quite a big job so there's still more to be done another day.

Whilst I was raking there was a mixture of rain and sunshine and I rather liked the way the sunlight shone through these leaves. Blip sorted.

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