Holly Tree

Another quiet-ish day.  I prevaricated about going for a run, but eventually got myself out. I followed this with a run (not literally) around the supermarket.

After a hurried lunch the boys headed off to the cinema to see Rogue One.  I headed to a badminton meeting.  I came away from the meeting as the joint organiser of the club tournament.  How on earth did that happen?  D and I barely know how to play badminton and neither of us have never organised a tournament before.  Help!! We are helping at a tournament on February to find out what needs to be done.

I was home before the boys, and got on with cooking tea  and baking for the first time in ages.  My favourite baking bowl shattered into pieces a few months ago and I still haven’t replaced it, hence the lack of baking.  I keep meaning to purchase a new bowl, but keep forgetting.

I have spent the evening doing admin.

I thought I would blip our holly tree before the redwings devour all the berries!

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