Little Miss L

When Miss L was off yesterday I made her rest quietly all day. Although there was clearly nothing wrong with her and thankfully her vom fest the night before had been an isolated event. 
I was trying to take a leaf out of a certain Mummy's book who makes her children watch Shakespeare films when they're off sick!!
But today I wanted her to go to school and thought she should be in school but the stupid, over-cautious school rules state that she had to have the day off.  
I toyed with the idea of sending her in anyway but I knew she'd probably regale everyone with tales of being sick, and I remembered a recent Facebook post about kids with compromised immune systems who wouldn't get off as lightly as Miss L did. 
So she stayed at home!!
Mr K was working at home again so we went out for lunch at Looby Lu's. I haven't been for ages and it was really lovely to go again. And - added bonus - we could take Archie!! His first lunch out!!!!
He was so good and just lay quietly under the table. When we left a few people at other tables said they hadn't even known he was there and complimented us on his utter perfection, the like of which they'd never seen.
Well they said how good he was!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!
Miss L, as ever, was a total delight. Last time we were in Looby Lu's she and Miss E made up an alternative version of rock, paper, scissors which they called log, river, candle.  Log floats on river; river puts out candle; candle burns log. It works remarkably well.
And Miss L laughed and giggled her way through round after round. Her rivers got waftier and her logs got bigger. it was hilarious!!
The waitress must have thought we were the happiest family ever. With our perfect dog!!

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