Perfumed garden

Well, no - perfumed living room, really. The air is full of the joyous scent of hyacinths, especially when the sun's shining in through the window.

First visit to the physio today. Slightly crestfallen to learn that it's likely to be another 3 weeks before all the aches and pains start to ease significantly, but very good to know what I should - and shouldn't - be doing to get back to my usual level of fitness. Came away with a sheet of exercises to do twice daily, and she recommended walking - just 10-15 minutes twice a day to start with, but at least it's a start. Unfortunately, she also 'recommended' (in no uncertain terms!) that I shouldn't start back at work until the middle of next week at the earliest, and made me another appointment before that when she'll assess how it's going...

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