An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hearty Thanks...

For all your wonderful comments, stars and hearts on my 6th Blip Anniversary on Saturday.  What a special place Blip is.

I am so humbled that you all still visit my journal and leave comments when I am so terrible at returning the compliment these days.   I will get better though. 

Yesterday I spent some time on Youtube watching photography tutorials and I can feel my camera and blip mojo returning.  Maybe it's the lighter nights, i don't know, but the desire to pick up my camera again and really think about what I blip is coming back.  That desire to capture something exciting and challenge myself to learn new things has been missing for so long.  I suspect the building work has sapped my time and energy and now we are nearing the end of that, my head feels lighter again.  More able to concentrate on other things.

Today has been just an ordinary day but I have spent the bulk of it feeling very thankful for so many things.  I could list them here but it would take a while and bore you rigid, so I won't.  Suffice to say, there's a lot to be said for ordinary days :-))

Oh something I will record is to note that Alan's faulty bed rail was finally removed and a new one fitted today.  This saga has been going on for months and months and months.  To the extent they brought him a new bed then the following week fitted the faulty bed rail back onto it!  Hopefully  it's now fixed and that's the end of it!

One other thing I want to note is in the pool last night I spent a bit of time doing some hydrotherapy exercises for my hips and knees.  I expected to wake up this morning feeling a bit sore (well worse than usual) given that my muscles were getting stretched much further than they have been for a while, but to my surprise and delight, my left hip (the worse one) felt great.   Not totally pain free but looser and more flexible.   And that's after just one session.  Woo hoo!  :-))

PS Johnny the building foreman came to see me first thing this morning, keen to know how Alan got on in the pool on Saturday.  I smiled and showed him the photos.  He was over the moon and it felt great to be able to let him see just how amazing what they have built is.

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